Saturday, April 28, 2012

Love for Manila Bay

  It's April 28 here in the Philippines and man is it hot. I hate being alone in warm days coz I think of a lot of weird stuff like dreaming of becoming an astrophysicist  to harness the sun's energy and use it to create a massive air conditioning system for the whole world for the human race to enjoy... something like that. But then this time I thought of something else.
  It's summer time again and every damn resort and/or beach is jam-packed with people and I don't want a piece of that shit. I just want a cool relaxing place that doesn't have to be far from home, like a drive away or something. And then it came to my mind. MANILA BAY. Yup, you've read it right, MANILA BAY. I want so swim in Manila Bay or walk along its shore line or just sit on the sand. Well of course that's not possible right now coz I'd definitely die. So what am I getting at?

  Well, for starters I want to turn this......
Manila Bay

Still Manila Bay

Yeah... still Manila Bay...

Right.. you've guessed it...

...........back to this:

I think this photo's too famous. I'm not sure but they claim that this WAS Manila Bay back then..

....and eventually into something like this:
I think this one's Long Beach, California (photo by Vagabonde:

Bay at San Sebastian, Spain

  Ok. I know this is definitely going to be a long-shot if not impossible but hey. It's worth a try. I mean we've all been doing causes for Pasig River, for the EARTH, or for some other environmental cause like those trees in Baguio... We run, we hold concerts, bazaars, hell we even PARTY FOR A CAUSE (what's up with that?) but nevertheless if we try to get together for our Manila Bay, I think we'll get back a few titles our country has lost along the way.... of probably LOSE THE BAD TITLES we've received along the way...
  I'm not saying we stop all the other causes, but that's kind of like what I really mean. So how the hell are we going to do this? Well, I truly say to you my friends that I have NO CAPACITY to start this project because I don't really like spear-heading programs so, I think that if there's anybody out there who has the same passion as I do, call me up and we'll work together. And from there we'll start. As for the other stuff, I think what we can do is that for EVERY program that we do for a cause, let's try to allocate let's say about 20% of the funds we'll accumulate for Manila Bay and I don't know maybe cooperate with some environment junkie or something. Sorry. Hahaha. I'm just really trying to finish everything. Hahaha. So yeah.. that's pretty much what I have in mind..

QUESTION: Well about that separating our trash? Recycling? And all that stuff? What about that?

ANSWER: Yeah of course! Anything even the tiniest form of recycling is good but A LOT of people don't really care for that shit you know. I mean come on... We're not in America. Households can't afford 3 trash bins here. And some don't even know where to put what. Sometimes it just messes things up like when you're not sure where to put it, then just put it in NON-BIODEGRADABLE fuck cares what happens to that right? That's what PEOPLE DO! Well, sometimes that's what I do.... So, if you can REALLY recycle, separate trash or whatever, then by all means! I think it helps. At least I think it does.

  So there you have it. Love for Manila Bay. I don't really care or mind whether this message gets to some rich philanthropist or something but I hope it will touch the hearts of those whosoever reads this.

 Finally, I just want to remind you guys that if there's anyone there who has a plan for Manila Bay or who needs a volunteer or something, just try to reach me and I'll do my best.